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BlackRock CEO seeks firm's removal from Texas prohibited asset manager list

Retrieved on: 2024-02-16 15:37:30

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BlackRock CEO seeks firm's removal from Texas prohibited asset manager list. View article details on HISWAI:


The article discusses ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) trends, focusing on mandatory ESG disclosure guidelines by Chinese stock exchanges and the EU's new rules regulating ESG raters. It also covers political developments regarding ESG regulations and the BlackRock CEO's initiative in response to Texas blacklisting the firm due to perceived moves away from fossil fuels, amid extreme weather challenges like heat waves. The text further mentions a report arguing ESG standards harm farmers and lead to higher food prices. The tags like 'Ethical investment,' 'Environmentalism,' and 'Sustainability reporting' all relate to the broader discussion of integrating ethical and environmental considerations into business practices and financial decision-making processes.

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