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How do birds get their colors? A guide to your vibrantly hued, winged friends - USA Today

Retrieved on: 2024-04-27 19:53:30

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How do birds get their colors? A guide to your vibrantly hued, winged friends - USA Today. View article details on hiswai:


The article discusses the vibrant colors of birds in the United States and explores how they acquire their pigmentation through dietary sources or structural feather composition, with an emphasis on the study of these colors utilizing image processing and machine learning algorithms to identify dominant colors in bird photos from the Macaulay Library. It also touches on the ecological and social significance of avian colors, as researched by experts like Allison Shultz. The tags 'Feathers, Biological pigments, Bird anatomy, Image processing, Turacoverdin, Plumage, Turaco, Color, Bird, Flight feather, Hummingbird, Down feather, Allison Shultz, United States' are all connected to various aspects of bird coloration and its study.

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