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Will Elon Musk accept Dogecoin on X? What to know about the cryptocurrency - Quartz

Retrieved on: 2024-03-29 13:26:55

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Will Elon Musk accept Dogecoin on X? What to know about the cryptocurrency - Quartz. View article details on HISWAI:


The article discusses the relationship between Elon Musk and Dogecoin, a meme-based cryptocurrency. It highlights the possibility of Dogecoin being accepted as a payment method on Musk's platform X and reflects on Musk's history of promoting Dogecoin, which has affected its value in the past. The tags refer to various related topics, like the GameStop short squeeze, the influence of internet culture and memes on economics, and the role of social platforms like Reddit and figures like Elon Musk in these events.

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