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Activity-dependent compartmentalization of dendritic mitochondria morphology through local ...

Retrieved on: 2024-03-08 16:09:11

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Activity-dependent compartmentalization of dendritic mitochondria morphology through local .... View article details on HISWAI:


The article explores the morphological compartmentalization of the mitochondria in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons, focusing on their form in different dendritic compartments such as basal, apical oblique, and apical tuft. Using electroporation techniques and in vivo imaging, the study demonstrates unique mitochondrial morphologies corresponding to distinct dendritic segments. Factors such as neuronal activity, synaptic inputs, and proteins like Camkk2, AMPK, Mtfr1l, Opa1, and Mff are implicated in regulating mitochondrial morphology, highlighting a complex regulation that includes activity-dependent and protein-mediated mechanisms for mitochondrial dynamics. The key concept of 'Neuroplasticity' is exemplified by the neuron's ability to modulate mitochondrial structure in response to synaptic and cellular activity. The listed tags such as 'Dendrite, Axon, Neuron' etc., relate to the anatomical and functional elements of the neuron involved in this plasticity, while terms like 'Mitochondrion, Hippocampus, Pyramidal cell' point to the specific cellular components and locations where these neuroplastic changes are observed.

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