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Computing: 4 articlesComputingFinance: 2 articlesFinanceBusiness: 6 articlesBusinessEconomy: 5 articlesEconomyLaw: 7 articlesLawSoftware: 1 articleSoftw...Information technology: 2 articlesInforma...Information technology management: 3 articlesInformati...Food and drink: 3 articlesFood and ...Legal research: 34 articlesLegal researchHealth care: 2 articlesHealth ...Nursing: 2 articlesNursingBusiness software: 2 articlesBusines...SAP SE: 1 articleSAP S...ERP software: 1 articleERP s...Business process management: 5 articlesBusiness pr...Publishing: 16 articlesPublishingAudit: 13 articlesAuditCoca-Cola: 1 articleCoca-...Accounting software: 4 articlesAccounting...UST: 3 articlesUSTEthical investment: 2 articlesEthical...Environmental, social and corporate governance: 2 articlesEnviron...SAP: 3 articlesSAPWolters Kluwer: 33 articlesWolters KluwerEnvironmentalism: 2 articlesEnviron...Buffalo, New York: 1 articleBuffa...Health sciences: 2 articlesHealth ...Wolters: 21 articlesWoltersCompanies: 8 articlesCompaniesBusiness performance management: 2 articlesBusines...Alphen aan den Rijn: 29 articlesAlphen aan den RijnCCH: 42 articlesCCHContents: 2 articlesContent...Tagetik: 16 articlesTagetikAMSTERDAM EXCHANGES INDEX: 3 articlesAMSTERDAM...CT Corporation: 29 articlesCT CorporationWK: 4 articlesWKPublishers: 8 articlesPublishersEURONEXT 100 INDEX: 3 articlesEURONEXT ...Nursing management: 2 articlesNursing...Coca-Cola: 2 articlesCoca-Co...The Coca-Cola Company: 2 articlesThe Coc...Datacert: 10 articlesDatacertCoca-Cola HBC AG: 2 articlesCoca-Co...Articles: 18 articlesArticlesCCH Canadian: 3 articlesCCH Canad...Nancy McKinstry: 2 articlesNancy M...wolters kluwer tax & accounting: 11 articleswolters kluwer ta...WKL: 3 articlesWKL

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